Lacking Experience

questions to be disused here
1. Judging from your resume and your years of experience, I am in doubt that you will be able to step up to this job. What makes you think that you can do the job?2. I notice that you are changing fields. What can you bring to this position from your previous career?3. Give me an example of working with diverse groups of people, including those with less experience.

1. Judging from your resume
 and your years of experience, I am in doubt that you will be able to step up to this job. What makes you think that you can do the job?

I provided technical problem resolution and ensured effective coordination of activities in every job that I have held. I have also gained a reputation within the manufacturing industry as being a key player when it comes to hard bargaining and negotiations. In my last two jobs I was able to save the companies thousands of dollars through savvy business deals.

One of my strengths is being able to explain complicated financial reports to non-financial people. I presented a report to a group of managers and executives on a very complicated tax issue. Through my PowerPoint presentation of charts and graphs and my ability to break down the information into everyday terminology, I was able to explain in detail what this situation meant to the future of the company. I was commended on my presentation and for making it easy to understand.

My successes in customer service have made me one of the top producers in my company. I have customers who ask for me specifically when they have problems because they know that I will listen and do whatever I can to resolve the problem.

2. I notice that you are changing fields. What can you bring to this position from your previous career?

I had to deal with a diversity of customers in my last job, and that is the common denominator in these two jobs.

I’ve had some very angry customers to deal with in my job as a customer service rep. Those situations are very difficult to handle because we try to make the customer ‘right.’ Some people can get downright nasty. I have been in the business long enough to know that I can’t take it personally, but it still doesn't feel good when I can’t resolve a problem. This is the skill that would get me through the transition to this new field.

I have worked effectively in three different industries and have been able to make the transition with minimal downtime to learn. My ability to learn quickly and ‘hit the ground running’ has made a huge impact on my career.

There are some skills that I feel transfer to any job I do. Those are some of my strongest skills. I have excellent communication skills and am fluent in Spanish and English. I have a great rapport with internal and external customers.

People who have worked with me know that they can come to me with any issues—business or personal. I’m a great listener and really care about people. My attitude is a personal trait that I feel has gotten me through many a tough situation. I am calm under pressure and will do whatever it takes to get the job completed.

3. Give me an example of working with diverse groups of people, including those with less experience.

One of my strongest skills is my ability to work with a diversity of people. Regardless of the situation, I have the ability to adapt and work under whatever the circumstances may be. In my last job I worked in a small room with 13 people all speaking various languages and I still managed to stay focused. No matter whom I work with, I treat them as a professional and if I can help them, I will go out of my way to do so.

I think one of the more challenging aspects of today’s workplace is that there is a diversity of people—all ages, cultures, and levels of experience. I am very aware that there are many feelings involved, and everyone has to respect the role and the space of co-workers. There was a time when a young woman became very upset. She cleared her desk onto the floor and jumped up on top of
the desk and started stomping her feet. I stayed calm and eventually talked her down and out of the building as quickly as I possibly could. She had her feelings hurt by a co-worker and didn’t know how to handle her feelings. Those are the types of problems I can handle because of my maturity and my easy-going style.

One of the skills that I take pride in is my ability to listen to people and really hear what they say. I consider this to be key in dealing with people at any age or stage. I was able to help a young man through a very challenging period of his career by becoming his mentor. I have a very patient style and like to teach by explaining with very concrete examples. The young man I helped is now one of the top producers in the department and is very grateful to me for helping him lay the foundation for his career.

questions to be disused here
1. Judging from your resume and your years of experience, I am in doubt that you will be able to step up to this job. What makes you think that you can do the job?2. I notice that you are changing fields. What can you bring to this position from your previous career?3. Give me an example of working with diverse groups of people, including those with less experience.

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