Find out as much as
you can about the company you intent to work for. Try to document yourself
about everything and a thing the job you are competing for can include, the
products pr services the company offers. Knowing these things will make you
feel more confident when you will be asked specific questions about the
2. Carry copy of CV
Make sure you are
carrying with you a copy of your CV, written in a professional manner,
including all details that could be of interest for that specific company.
3. Have confidence
Look your
interlocutor in the eyes, because this thing shows that you have confidence in
yourself and that you are focusing on the subject. Show some enthusiasm towards the firm you are
trying to work for.
4, Dress up as
professional as possible.
If the company style claims the wear of a suit, the
wear that suit and look as presentable as possible because that is most
important and it will make just the difference you need.
5. Be Precise
Try to answer the
questions, in not more than 60 seconds. That doesn't mean that you have to
answer with simple yes and no, but long answers will make the interlocutor lose
his interest. And you might also lose you concentration.
6.Listen carefully
Listen carefully and
answer to questions directly. If you did not understand a question, ask them
to explain it better to you, do not
answer unless you are sure what you have been asked.
7. Prepare in advance
to tell them what your past activities have been and the way you consider they
can influence your carrier. Give some examples that ca end up leaving a good
impression of you.
8. Ask questions
questions. The questions you will ask show that you are proactive and that you
want to make sure this place is indeed the right work place for you.
9.Thank You note
Send a “Thank You” note at no more than 2 days
after the interview. Express your interest towards the job you are interested
in and thank them for their time. Even if you end up not being interested in
the job anymore, you can never know if that person can’t become a great contact
person for you.
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